Now we’ve seen the moment that addiction started.

In the present day, Kevin’s literally sitting in his garage gym and admitting to being a workout addict. But later, we see Kevin sneaking in there by himself to work out even more. Some of Kevin’s best childhood memories of his dad are probably in this garage. Jack decides it’s time to introduce Kevin to his garage gym in which he gets very swole for a ’90s dad and also deals with his feelings. It’s clear from the beginning that he has talent.

When the Big Three are in eighth grade, Kevin finally goes out for the football team. Let’s take this recap one-two-three style, shall we? Dealing with an angsty teen being bombarded with hormones is bad enough - can you imagine doing it with three kids all at the same time? Especially when one is Kevin! The horror! The story this timeline tells feels like a glimpse at a mostly uneventful day in the Pearson household, but in true This Is Us fashion, it is very much linked to the Big Three’s present-day lives. And it’s less of a reminder and more of a warning to prepare themselves. Okay, really, the reminder is for their parents. The Little Big Three - who in “Changes” are teenagers in eighth grade, which means the timelines are beginning to close in on themselves, people - get a nice and not-at-all-uncomfortable reminder from their doctor that they’re going through puberty.